Sunday, December 19, 2010

Currently Obsessing Over...

Almond Joys are most definately my favorite candy of ALL TIME! I could definately eat them every meal, every day!(:

Alright I am also currently IN LOVE with Turtles(: Especially Tiny adorable ones like these!(:

I'm obsessing over my Nikon P100 right now(: It's pretty kick-ass(:

This, my friends, is the Gaslight Anthem. A.k.a THE BEST BAND TO EVER EXIST ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH! Just saying(:

Bento Box + Hello Kitty = Total Epic Win! That's right folks, I do have an undeniable obsession wiff that adorable white kitty that always has a little bow in her hair(:

Check back laterr(: C'ya!(: