Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bumming Jessica's Laptop(:

Well since Little Miss Me doesn't have internet right this moment, i suppose my lovely bff Jess won't mind me bumming on her laptop ferr a couple seconds, now would she?

Jess- Nope!

Kota- Exactly(: So anywho! Christmas rocked, got some neato stuff(: Jessica ur family is crazy right now... Just saying...

Jess- Yeah...

Kota- But that's ok i totally love ur living Barbie mommy and ur awesome fishing daddy(: They rock(: and they're awesome(: as is ur Paramore poster... We were the FIRST die hard Parawhores... Just saying(:

Jess- Parawhores? I like it...

Kota- The poor "Masses" that read my blog... what will they think of our undyingly boring convos?

Jess- They won't understand us... But we do so that's alright!!!

Kota- Mitchell understands...(:


Kota- Jessica... That's...Awkward....Especially when they aren't here so they don't know that those AREN'T sex noises....

Jess- Oh...Oh...Ok... That's kind of awkward yes.... HAHA what the crap man?! Really?! REALLY!

Kota- Is this whole me-typing-out-our-conversation-thing starting to frighten my little Jessie?

Jess- YEA... Just a little...Kinda creepy....

Kota- Then i'm out! Bye bye bloggers(: Love you!

Jess- Really...... Really......... REALLY?! Oh geez.........